
Together Ranches is an all-inclusive family + faith adventure camp that was founded to connect believers to God, each other, and nature so they can make a Kingdom impact through their everyday lives. This is accomplished by building up the individuals (and thus the family unit and body of Christ as a whole) in mind, body, and spirit through week-long family church camps, weekend retreats, and other supplements.

Together Ranches was founded through personal growth experiences, recognizing others’ desire to grow, and a strong stirring of the Spirit. In 2022, the Lauren Guest started intentionally listening to and documenting the Holy Spirit downloads being received for a year prior. God has since, supplied the energy, confidence, and divine appointments to bring together the vision.

The enemy is out to destroy families and will play as dirty as he can to do so. The founder recognized that when grounded in Christ, surrounded with faith-filled company, and soaking in the blessings of nature, we are able to combat anything the enemy throws our way. At Together Ranches believers have the opportunity to grow as an individual, but more important as a family member and part of the body of Christ. When healing and growth happen individually, we are elevated together as a whole body of Christ.

The goal of this ministry is that campers have every opportunity to be refreshed and empowered to make daily Kingdom impact. Not exclusively in ministry, but leveraging their marriages, family dynamics, and relationships with fellow believers and even non-believers to see ministry in everyday life. We believe there is an opportunity for this growth to happen through various planned activities focused on growth of the mind, body, and spirit.

This opportunity is not yet available, but it could come to fruition sooner than later with your help. See where we are currently in this mission and prayerfully consider partnering with us to bring it to life.